Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Thousand Islands

Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Thousand Islands Park staff monitor invasive wetland plants at marsh monitoring sites in May-June each year (8 plots/year). In each wetland, pairs of 1 m x 1 m quadrats placed 2 m apart are sampled along 3 transects at 5 and 15 meters in wet meadow, emergent and submergent vegetation zones. The percent cover is recorded within each quadrat for 10 exotic invasive plant species including European Common Reed, European Frogbit and Purple Loosestrife. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Josh.VanWieren@canada.ca Nature and EnvironmentInvasive SpeciesPhragmites australisEuropean FrogbitPurple LoosestrifePercent CoverExotic PlantsThousand IslandsOntario Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Quadrat Method - Data 1CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/2f6c9d7a-7b11-42cd-838c-056c077c4c79/resource/9caf8057-3eed-459d-8a49-3604726442fc/download/thousand_islands_np_wetlands_invasive_alien_plants_2006-2019_data_1.csv Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Time Constrained - Data 2CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/2f6c9d7a-7b11-42cd-838c-056c077c4c79/resource/845232ec-521f-4f43-8263-fea5a94b3ed9/download/thousand_islands_np_wetlands_invasive_alien_plants_2006-2019_data_2withoutdoublons.csv

Park staff monitor invasive wetland plants at marsh monitoring sites in May-June each year (8 plots/year). In each wetland, pairs of 1 m x 1 m quadrats placed 2 m apart are sampled along 3 transects at 5 and 15 meters in wet meadow, emergent and submergent vegetation zones. The percent cover is recorded within each quadrat for 10 exotic invasive plant species including European Common Reed, European Frogbit and Purple Loosestrife.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Parks Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Name at Publication: Resource Conservation
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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