Dive Survey Algae and Substrate Data

Dive Survey Algae and Substrate Data This dataset is a compilation of algae and substrate observations that have been collected on DFO dive surveys between 1996 and 2021. Sources of this data include Marine Invertebrate Section/Shellfish Data Unit biological survey databases held for targeted species observations of green sea urchin, and red sea urchin, as well as the benthic habitat mapping (BHM), and multispecies (Msp) surveys. 2024-05-24 Fisheries and Oceans Canada kayleigh.gillespie@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologyalgaesubstratestock assessment Dive Survey Algae and Substrate DataCSV https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/3478f0c4-d143-4f3c-a9e2-7fe8455a639e/attachments/substrate_algae_layers.zip Dive Survey Algae and Substrate Data--GISHub MetadataPDF https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/3478f0c4-d143-4f3c-a9e2-7fe8455a639e/attachments/Dive_Algae_GISHub_metadata_EN.pdf Dive Survey Algae and Substrate Data --GISHub metadataPDF https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/3478f0c4-d143-4f3c-a9e2-7fe8455a639e/attachments/Dive_Algae_GISHub_metadata_FR.pdf Data DictionaryXLSX https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/3478f0c4-d143-4f3c-a9e2-7fe8455a639e/attachments/Data_Dictionary_En.xlsx Data DictionaryXLSX https://api-proxy.edh.azure.cloud.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/catalogue/records/3478f0c4-d143-4f3c-a9e2-7fe8455a639e/attachments/Data_Dictionary_FR.xlsx

This dataset is a compilation of algae and substrate observations that have been collected on DFO dive surveys between 1996 and 2021. Sources of this data include Marine Invertebrate Section/Shellfish Data Unit biological survey databases held for targeted species observations of green sea urchin, and red sea urchin, as well as the benthic habitat mapping (BHM), and multispecies (Msp) surveys.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Section Name: Pacific Science/Ecosystems and Oceans Science/Ecosystem Science Division/
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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Contact Information

Administrative Area: British Columbia

Postal Code: V9T 6N7

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: kayleigh.gillespie@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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