Historical hunting and trapping statistics in Quebec

Historical hunting and trapping statistics in Quebec Historical hunting and trapping statistics (from 1971) in Quebec contain harvest data for the following species: * Caribou * White-tailed deer * Wild turkey * Moose * Black bear During all these years, big game recording systems have evolved. The accuracy of the information collected has continued to improve. ## Warning The names and boundaries of hunting areas have varied over time. We have updated the location of samples in current hunting areas, but old area names may still be present. 2024-07-24 Government and Municipalities of Québec DGGFH@mffp.gouv.qc.ca Nature and Environment Historical caribou hunting statistics in Quebec (CSV)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/CSV/statistiques_chasse_Quebec_caribou.csv Historical white-tailed deer hunting statistics in Quebec (CSV)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/CSV/statistiques_chasse_Quebec_cerf.csv Historical wild turkey hunting statistics in Quebec (CSV)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/CSV/statistiques_chasse_Quebec_dindon.csv Historical moose hunting statistics in Quebec (CSV)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/CSV/statistiques_chasse_Quebec_orignal.csv Historical black bear hunting and trapping statistics in Quebec (CSV)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/CSV/statistiques_chasse_Quebec_ours.csv Historical hunting and trapping statistics in Quebec - 5 species combined (XLSX)XLSX https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Faune/Statistiques_chasse/XLSX/statistiques_chasse_Quebec.xlsx Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/3527e0b8-f1d3-4b04-9301-ff4361f41c07

Historical hunting and trapping statistics (from 1971) in Quebec contain harvest data for the following species: * Caribou * White-tailed deer * Wild turkey * Moose * Black bear During all these years, big game recording systems have evolved. The accuracy of the information collected has continued to improve. ## Warning The names and boundaries of hunting areas have varied over time. We have updated the location of samples in current hunting areas, but old area names may still be present.

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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Electronic Mail Address: DGGFH@mffp.gouv.qc.ca

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