NETCARE 2013 Ucluelet campaign

NETCARE 2013 Ucluelet campaign In August 2013, NETCARE scientists conducted a campaign on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The goal of this campaign was to characterize the nature of ice nuclei in a marine environment. Measurements were conducted on the ambient levels of both deposition and immersion ice nucleating particles. Data was also collected to measure the physical and chemical properties of the ambient particles. Site Information: Amphitrite Point (48.92N, 125.54W) is located approximately 2 km from the small town of Ucluelet on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The research site was located approximately 100 m from the Pacific Ocean. Institutions Involved: ● Environment and Climate Change Canada ● University of Toronto ● University of British Columbia ● University of Denver ● Fisheries and Oceans Canada Data sets: ● Atmospheric aerosol particle size and number density ● Atmospheric aerosol particle hygroscopicity ● Numbers of ice cloud forming particles ● Aerosol particle ion concentration as a function of particle size 2023-06-07 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentClimateaerosolsclimateArctic NETCARE 2013 Ucluelet campaignCSV

In August 2013, NETCARE scientists conducted a campaign on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The goal of this campaign was to characterize the nature of ice nuclei in a marine environment. Measurements were conducted on the ambient levels of both deposition and immersion ice nucleating particles. Data was also collected to measure the physical and chemical properties of the ambient particles.

           Site Information:

           Amphitrite Point (48.92N, 125.54W) is located approximately 2 km from the small town of Ucluelet on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.  The research site was located approximately 100 m from the Pacific Ocean.

           Institutions Involved:

           ● Environment and Climate Change Canada

           ● University of Toronto

           ● University of British Columbia

           ● University of Denver

           ● Fisheries and Oceans Canada

           Data sets:

           ● Atmospheric aerosol particle size and number density

           ● Atmospheric aerosol particle hygroscopicity

           ● Numbers of ice cloud forming particles

           ● Aerosol particle ion concentration as a function of particle size

Data and Resources

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