Ontario public library statistics

Ontario public library statistics Self-reported data from approximately 380 public libraries, First Nation public libraries and contracting organizations. The data includes: * general information including address * financial information * holdings information * staffing information * facilities information * activities information including typical week data * partnership information (2011 onwards) Data from 2011 and onwards is from a refreshed database.  New fields were added for: * provincial funding types * project grant types * special collections holdings * circulation of E-resources including E-books * lending laptops * program types * readers advisory transactions * information technology support  In 2012, new fields were added for: * E-readers * requests for accessible format materials * business and economic partnerships.  In 2013 more fields were added for social media visits and other professional staff. In 2016 a field was added for indigenous language training and retention, while circulating and reference holdings information was combined. In 2017 fields were added for e-learning services, students hired for a summer or semester, circulating wireless hot spots, and library service visits to residence-bound people. In 2019 fields were added for Facility Rentals and Bookings, ‘Pop-up’ Libraries, Extended Services and Facilities, Government Services Partnerships, and Business and Economic Sector Partnerships. The database uses the common name "LibStats". 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEconomy and BusinessCulture and RecreationArts and culture 2014CSV https://files.ontario.ca/ontario_public_library_statistics_2014_open_data_csv_february_17_2016.csv 2013CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_public_library_statistics_2013_open_data_may_22_2015_csv_final.csv 2011CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_public_library_statistics_2011_open_data_may_22_csv_final.csv 2010CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2010.csv 2009CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2009.csv 2008CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2008.csv 2007CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2007.csv 2006CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2006.csv 2005CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2005.csv 2004CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2004.csv 2003CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2003.csv 2002CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2002.csv 2001CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2001.csv 2000CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_2000.csv 1999CSV http://files.ontario.ca/ontario_library_stats_1999.csv Data dictionaryXLSX https://files.ontario.ca/ontario-public-library-statistics-data-dictionary-2019-08-12.xlsx 2018CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data_2018.csv 2017CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data_july_2019_rev1.csv 2016CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data_2016.csv 2015CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/2015_ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data_dec_2017rev.csv 2012CSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/ontario_public_library_statistics_2012_open_data_may_22_2015_csv_final_9.csv 2019CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/6555ef43-4dcc-451c-b368-0232a20f6918/download/2019_ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data.csv 2020CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/c897cb92-d90f-4965-b2d1-c5b08569bb58/download/2020_ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data.csv 2021CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/1cc665e7-b16f-4cba-baeb-2dc1b4fd1c51/download/2021_ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data.csv 2022CSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/83295b7d-688a-4996-9f0c-b8bea49c0360/download/ontario_public_library_statistics_2022_open_data.csv 2022XLSX https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/d643db29-3875-4284-82e0-af0715e1cd4e/download/ontario_public_library_statistics_2022_open_data.xlsx Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b

Self-reported data from approximately 380 public libraries, First Nation public libraries and contracting organizations. The data includes: * general information including address * financial information * holdings information * staffing information * facilities information * activities information including typical week data * partnership information (2011 onwards) Data from 2011 and onwards is from a refreshed database.  New fields were added for: * provincial funding types * project grant types * special collections holdings * circulation of E-resources including E-books * lending laptops * program types * readers advisory transactions * information technology support  In 2012, new fields were added for: * E-readers * requests for accessible format materials * business and economic partnerships.  In 2013 more fields were added for social media visits and other professional staff. In 2016 a field was added for indigenous language training and retention, while circulating and reference holdings information was combined. In 2017 fields were added for e-learning services, students hired for a summer or semester, circulating wireless hot spots, and library service visits to residence-bound people. In 2019 fields were added for Facility Rentals and Bookings, ‘Pop-up’ Libraries, Extended Services and Facilities, Government Services Partnerships, and Business and Economic Sector Partnerships. The database uses the common name "LibStats".

Made available by the Government of Ontario

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