RESULTS - Planting

RESULTS - Planting Planting activities reported on openings into RESULTS. More than one planting activitiy may occur within an opening. Planting activiites may also overlap. Planting attribute reporting is mandatory requirement while planting maps are optional. Planting reports includes species and seedlot information. This is a part of Silviculture and Land Status dataset, which includes tracking achievement of silviculture obligations on Crown land 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Economics and IndustryForm DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentCanadaplantingreforestationsilvicultureGovernment information Original metadata ( BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML RSLT_PLANTING_SVWWMS RSLT_PLANTING_SVWWMS

Planting activities reported on openings into RESULTS. More than one planting activitiy may occur within an opening. Planting activiites may also overlap. Planting attribute reporting is mandatory requirement while planting maps are optional. Planting reports includes species and seedlot information. This is a part of Silviculture and Land Status dataset, which includes tracking achievement of silviculture obligations on Crown land

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