Public Debt Charges as per the Public Accounts

Public Debt Charges as per the Public Accounts At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents details of the current year's public debt charges which include: the interest on unmatured debt and on pension and other accounts; the amortization of premiums and discounts on unmatured debt; and, the servicing costs and costs of issuing new borrowings. 2023-10-27 Public Services and Procurement Canada Government and PoliticsReceiver GeneralPublic AccountsExpendituresDebt Data fileCSV Data DictionaryXML

At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents details of the current year's public debt charges which include: the interest on unmatured debt and on pension and other accounts; the amortization of premiums and discounts on unmatured debt; and, the servicing costs and costs of issuing new borrowings.

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