Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Station

Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Station This layer represents Water Survey of Canada (WSC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauge stations that meet the following criteria for inclusion: at least 10 years or data (with 350 or more days of observations) above the low outlier threshold; less than 20% (by basin drainage area) regulation; a corresponding basin polygon dataset (either supplied or delineated) with a area <15% different than the basin area reported by WSC or USGS; full metadata coverage for the basin (e.g. mean annual precipitation, elevation, etc.); and 1-, 3-, 5-, and -10 day distribution fits that did not overlap for any Average Recurrence Interval’s (ARI) above 2 years. See Bulletin 2020-1-RFFA British Columbia Extreme Flood Project – Regional Flood Frequency Analysis – Technical development report and manual to complete a regional flood frequency analysis. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentArcGIS OnlineFloodFrequencyHydrometricRegionalStreamflowGovernment information Bulletin 2020-1-Regional Flood Frequency Analysis StationCSV Original metadata ( British Columbia Regional Flood Frequency Analysis PortalHTML

This layer represents Water Survey of Canada (WSC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauge stations that meet the following criteria for inclusion: at least 10 years or data (with 350 or more days of observations) above the low outlier threshold; less than 20% (by basin drainage area) regulation; a corresponding basin polygon dataset (either supplied or delineated) with a area <15% different than the basin area reported by WSC or USGS; full metadata coverage for the basin (e.g. mean annual precipitation, elevation, etc.); and 1-, 3-, 5-, and -10 day distribution fits that did not overlap for any Average Recurrence Interval’s (ARI) above 2 years. See Bulletin 2020-1-RFFA British Columbia Extreme Flood Project – Regional Flood Frequency Analysis – Technical development report and manual to complete a regional flood frequency analysis.

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