Potential flow bed from LiDAR

Potential flow bed from LiDAR __The link: * Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset description sheets; Additional information*__. Hydrographic derivatives from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were produced as part of the provincial LiDAR sensor data acquisition project. These products provide information on the geographical position of water flow beds on the territory as well as their nature (permanent or intermittent watercourse). These layers represent the path that water should take depending on the topography. It is therefore a potential flow bed that does not take into account the nature of the surface deposit or underground pipes. These vector layers are preliminary and do not replace reference hydrographic layers such as the Quebec Hydrographic Network Geobase (GRHQ). They are primarily used to support forest operations. These layers will also be improved over the coming years thanks to a collective effort by two ministries, namely the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) and the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, and Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP). Data on potential flow beds are distributed, as of March 2022, by water drainage unit (UDH), a division that respects the natural boundaries of the watershed. This division uses the same codes and approximately the same spatial limits of the UDHs of the GRHQ. Data for each UDH is available in Geodatabase (GDB) or GeoPackage (GPKG) format.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-05-30 Government and Municipalities of Québec renseignements@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Download linksCSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/IMAGERIE/Produits_derives_LiDAR/Hydrographie/Lits_ecoulements_potentiels/3-Donnees/index_UDH/csv/URL_Lits_ecoulements.csv Open forestHTML https://www.foretouverte.gouv.qc.ca/?context=_lidar&zoom=13¢er=-71.93177,46.95163&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=9af27bc473129ad67de9fb3300cf823c,fd036054eab7c8db0af33d42ddd7295e,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Open forestHTML https://www.foretouverte.gouv.qc.ca/?context=_telechargement&zoom=6¢er=-74.20850,49.25403&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=1e507094c5708bf1cb2a0cd6fb30b0a4,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8 Video capsule on potential flow beds from LiDARHTML https://youtu.be/ZiKLx9uONig Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/404f3b0c-a4a7-4e86-8cdc-ddfa233254a2 Symbology: 4-class flowsLYR https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/IMAGERIE/Produits_derives_LiDAR/Hydrographie/Lits_ecoulements_potentiels/2-Symbologie/Ecoulements_4classes.lyr Procedures for using a web servicePDF https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/documents/forets/inventaire/Procedure_service_Web.pdf READ MEPDF https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/IMAGERIE/Produits_derives_LiDAR/Hydrographie/Lits_ecoulements_potentiels/1-Documentation/LISEZ-MOI-Lits-ecoulements-potentiels.pdf Availability of potential flow bed products and topographic humidity index from LiDARPDF https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/documents/forets/inventaire/CA_lits_ecoulement_humidite_lidar.pdf Data downloadPDF https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/documents/forets/inventaire/Telechargement_rapide.pdf Download linksSHP https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/IMAGERIE/Produits_derives_LiDAR/Hydrographie/Lits_ecoulements_potentiels/3-Donnees/index_UDH/shp/URL_Lits_ecoulements.zip Symbology: 4-class flowsother https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/IMAGERIE/Produits_derives_LiDAR/Hydrographie/Lits_ecoulements_potentiels/2-Symbologie/Ecoulements_4classes.qml

__The link: * Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset description sheets; Additional information__. Hydrographic derivatives from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were produced as part of the provincial LiDAR sensor data acquisition project. These products provide information on the geographical position of water flow beds on the territory as well as their nature (permanent or intermittent watercourse). These layers represent the path that water should take depending on the topography. It is therefore a potential flow bed that does not take into account the nature of the surface deposit or underground pipes. These vector layers are preliminary and do not replace reference hydrographic layers such as the Quebec Hydrographic Network Geobase (GRHQ). They are primarily used to support forest operations. These layers will also be improved over the coming years thanks to a collective effort by two ministries, namely the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) and the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, and Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP). Data on potential flow beds are distributed, as of March 2022, by water drainage unit (UDH), a division that respects the natural boundaries of the watershed. This division uses the same codes and approximately the same spatial limits of the UDHs of the GRHQ. Data for each UDH is available in Geodatabase (GDB) or GeoPackage (GPKG) format.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).*

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Electronic Mail Address: renseignements@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca

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