Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived)

Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) The Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) is elevation point cloud data created from aerial photography from the Land Information Ontario (LIO) imagery program. It was created using a pixel-autocorrelation process based on aerial photography collected by the imagery contractor for the LIO imagery program. The dataset consists of overlapping tiles in LAZ format and is 6.29 terabytes in size. Tiles are overlapping because the pixel-autocorrelation process extracts elevation values from overlapping stereo photo strips. No classification has been applied to the point cloud, however they are encoded with colour (RGB) values from the source photography. This data is for geospatial tech specialists, and is used by government, municipalities, conservation authorities and the private sector for land use planning and environmental analysis. __Related data__ For a product in non-overlapping tiles with a ground classification applied, see the [Ontario Classified Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived)](https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/datasets/febf17330adb4100a22738e1684b5feb). Raster derivatives have been created from the point clouds for some imagery projects. These products may meet your needs and are available for direct download. For a representation of bare earth, see [Ontario Digital Elevation Model (Imagery-Derived)](https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/maps/mnrf::ontario-digital-elevation-model-imagery-derived/about). For a model representing all surface features, see the [Ontario Digital Surface Model (Imagery-Derived)](https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/maps/mnrf::ontario-digital-surface-model-imagery-derived/about). 2024-03-27 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryDonnées OntarioGovernment information Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived)HTML https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/maps/mnrf::ontario-raw-point-cloud-imagery-derived/about Nuage de points brut de l’Ontario (données dérivées de l’imagerie)HTML https://geohub-fr.lio.gov.on.ca/maps/mnrf::nuage-de-points-brut-de-lontario-donn%C3%A9es-d%C3%A9riv%C3%A9es-de-limagerie/about Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/4329a558-b1ed-4306-864b-a36ede51a586 Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/4329a558-b1ed-4306-864b-a36ede51a586

The Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) is elevation point cloud data created from aerial photography from the Land Information Ontario (LIO) imagery program. It was created using a pixel-autocorrelation process based on aerial photography collected by the imagery contractor for the LIO imagery program. The dataset consists of overlapping tiles in LAZ format and is 6.29 terabytes in size. Tiles are overlapping because the pixel-autocorrelation process extracts elevation values from overlapping stereo photo strips. No classification has been applied to the point cloud, however they are encoded with colour (RGB) values from the source photography. This data is for geospatial tech specialists, and is used by government, municipalities, conservation authorities and the private sector for land use planning and environmental analysis. Related data For a product in non-overlapping tiles with a ground classification applied, see the Ontario Classified Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived). Raster derivatives have been created from the point clouds for some imagery projects. These products may meet your needs and are available for direct download. For a representation of bare earth, see Ontario Digital Elevation Model (Imagery-Derived). For a model representing all surface features, see the Ontario Digital Surface Model (Imagery-Derived).

Made available by the Government of Ontario

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