Stream temperature - Torngat Mountains

Stream temperature - Torngat Mountains Water temperature is a critical variable in stream ecology, and in particular has direct implications for fish populations. Automated data loggers are being used to record year-round hourly measurments of water temperature in various watersheds in Torngat Mountains national park. Note that because the data loggers being used (Hobo U20) also records hourly water level readings this measure is co-located with a stream hydrology measure. 2024-05-12 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentStream temperatureautomated data loggersLabrador Stream hydrology and temperature - Torngat MountainsCSV

Water temperature is a critical variable in stream ecology, and in particular has direct implications for fish populations. Automated data loggers are being used to record year-round hourly measurments of water temperature in various watersheds in Torngat Mountains national park. Note that because the data loggers being used (Hobo U20) also records hourly water level readings this measure is co-located with a stream hydrology measure.

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