Compulsory Inspection Data 1900 to Current

Compulsory Inspection Data 1900 to Current In order to comply with the *Wildlife Act*, hunters must have certain game species inspected by a provincial inspector. The compulsory inspection (CI) database contains information that is collected during these inspections. The CI data is presented at the [Wildlife Management Unit (WMU)]( level and spans the period of record from 1900 to current. The species required to be inspected changes over time and varies by region, so not all species are represented in the dataset for the full period of record or for the entire province. The user should consult the CI website for the current list of species requiring inspection. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia Nature and Environmentcompulsory inspectionhuntingwildlife Compulsory Inspection Data 1900 to CurrentCSV Compulsory Inspection Data 1900 to CurrentXLSX Field Definitions - Compulsory Inspection DataCSV Original metadata (

In order to comply with the Wildlife Act, hunters must have certain game species inspected by a provincial inspector. The compulsory inspection (CI) database contains information that is collected during these inspections. The CI data is presented at the Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) level and spans the period of record from 1900 to current. The species required to be inspected changes over time and varies by region, so not all species are represented in the dataset for the full period of record or for the entire province. The user should consult the CI website for the current list of species requiring inspection.

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