Non-Ferrous Metals - Western Canada

Non-Ferrous Metals - Western Canada Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the non-ferrous metal mines, refineries, smelters and reduction works that were in production or coming into production in Western Canada, circa 1955. As production figures for individual mines were not available, an attempt has been made to convey their relative importance by showing the ore mill capacities. This map is accompanied by a graph showing the national value and production of non-ferrous metals whose values exceeded $500 000 in 1955. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Economics and IndustryForm DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technologygeological mapsgeologymetalsmineralsmining industryprimary industry Download the English JPG through HTTPJPG Download the English PDF through HTTPPDF Download the French JPG through HTTPJPG Download the French PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the non-ferrous metal mines, refineries, smelters and reduction works that were in production or coming into production in Western Canada, circa 1955. As production figures for individual mines were not available, an attempt has been made to convey their relative importance by showing the ore mill capacities. This map is accompanied by a graph showing the national value and production of non-ferrous metals whose values exceeded $500 000 in 1955.

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