Aleutian Low Pressure Index

Aleutian Low Pressure Index This index measures the relative intensity of the Aleutian Low pressure system of the north Pacific (December through March). It is calculated as the mean area (km²) with sea level pressure <= 100.5 kPa and expressed as an anomaly from the 1950-1997 mean. A positive index value reflects a relatively strong or intense Aleutian Low. The index was completely regenerated using a new method in 2015. The new method produces Aleutian Low Pressure Index (ALPI) values that are comparable to previously published values (1900-2008), and there is no difference in the periods with positive or negative values. To make use of this index, you are requested to cite the manuscript (below). Correct citation: Surry, A.M., and King, J.R. 2015. A new method for calculating ALPI: The Aleutian Low Pressure Index. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3135: v + 31 p. Full document: 2023-07-13 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentAleutian Low Pressure SystemALPIPacific Aleutian Low Pressure Index 1900-2015CSV Aleutian Low Pressure Index 1900-2015CSV Aleutian Low Pressure Index 1900-2015 - GraphicJPG Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3135 - A New Method for Calculating ALPI: The Aleutian Low Pressure IndexPDF

This index measures the relative intensity of the Aleutian Low pressure system of the north Pacific (December through March). It is calculated as the mean area (km²) with sea level pressure <= 100.5 kPa and expressed as an anomaly from the 1950-1997 mean. A positive index value reflects a relatively strong or intense Aleutian Low. The index was completely regenerated using a new method in 2015. The new method produces Aleutian Low Pressure Index (ALPI) values that are comparable to previously published values (1900-2008), and there is no difference in the periods with positive or negative values. To make use of this index, you are requested to cite the manuscript (below).

Correct citation: Surry, A.M., and King, J.R. 2015. A new method for calculating ALPI: The Aleutian Low Pressure Index. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3135: v + 31 p.

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