The Open Database of Educational Facilities

The Open Database of Educational Facilities The Open Database of Educational Facilities (ODEF) is a compilation of data from open and internet sources on the locations and types of educational facilities across Canada, originating from municipal, regional, and provincial governments. It is a centralized and harmonized repository of educational facility data made available under the Open Government License - Canada. The database is expected to be updated periodically as new open datasets from government sources become available. The database is made available for download as a zipped comma separated values (csv) file. 2022-11-28 Statistics Canada Education and TrainingEducationtrainingschoolminoritylanguage The Open Database of Educational FacilitiesZIP Open Database of Educational FacilitiesZIP

The Open Database of Educational Facilities (ODEF) is a compilation of data from open and internet sources on the locations and types of educational facilities across Canada, originating from municipal, regional, and provincial governments. It is a centralized and harmonized repository of educational facility data made available under the Open Government License - Canada. The database is expected to be updated periodically as new open datasets from government sources become available. The database is made available for download as a zipped comma separated values (csv) file.

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