Current Authorized Requesters

Current Authorized Requesters The Ministry of Transportation collects personal driver and vehicle information under the authority of section 205 of the Highway Traffic Act. This information is used to administer the Ontario’s driver, vehicle and carrier programs. The Authorized Requester Program was created in 1994 in partnership with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. The program allows eligible organizations to apply to become authorized requesters who can purchase driver and vehicle information such as names, driver’s licence numbers and addresses for specific purposes such as law enforcement investigations or fraud prevention. There are about 3,000 authorized requesters, including auto insurance providers, municipal and private parking providers, road tolling organizations, and others. 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsDonnées Ontario Current authorized requestersCSV Current authorized requestersCSV

The Ministry of Transportation collects personal driver and vehicle information under the authority of section 205 of the Highway Traffic Act. This information is used to administer the Ontario’s driver, vehicle and carrier programs. The Authorized Requester Program was created in 1994 in partnership with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. The program allows eligible organizations to apply to become authorized requesters who can purchase driver and vehicle information such as names, driver’s licence numbers and addresses for specific purposes such as law enforcement investigations or fraud prevention. There are about 3,000 authorized requesters, including auto insurance providers, municipal and private parking providers, road tolling organizations, and others.

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