Freedom of Information (FOI) Statistics

Freedom of Information (FOI) Statistics Data for all central government Freedom of Information (FOI) requests closed in the fiscal years 2010-11 to current quarter. Fields include request numbers, receiving ministry, applicant type, start date, end date, due date, request type, processing days, overdue days, on hold days, status, extensions and disposition. Fees paid, request description, publication status and reason fields have been added to the latest data.. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia Society and CultureFOIFOIPPAFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Actaccess to informationdisclosegeneralgovernment documentsgovernment recordspersonalreleased FOI Technical NotesPDF BC CRTS FOICSV BC FOI StatisticsXLSX Original metadata (

Data for all central government Freedom of Information (FOI) requests closed in the fiscal years 2010-11 to current quarter. Fields include request numbers, receiving ministry, applicant type, start date, end date, due date, request type, processing days, overdue days, on hold days, status, extensions and disposition. Fees paid, request description, publication status and reason fields have been added to the latest data..

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