Tableau de bord : Prix historiques du porc

Tableau de bord : Prix historiques du porc Prix historiques du porc de marché au Manitoba et des secteurs du sevrage ISO et du porc d’engraissement aux États-Unis (É.-U.) présentés dans des tableaux interactifs. These interactive charts illustrate prices paid for market hogs in Manitoba and iso-wean and feeder pigs in the United States (U.S.) for the last ten years. The prices can be displayed by week or by month for one or more years. For hog price report definitions and calculations, click here.  Manitoba market hog prices are collected from major processors in Manitoba, compiled and released weekly by Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development (ARD). Manitoba market hog prices are weighted by the volume of hogs processed, and averaged monthly. United States (U.S.) iso-wean and feeder pig prices are sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and presented in Canadian dollars (C$) using the Bank of Canada exchange rate. Monthly U.S. iso-wean and feeder pig prices are a simple average of the weekly U.S. total composite weighted average prices.  2024-06-05 Government of Manitoba AgricultureManitobaManitoba marketUSDApig farminglivestocklivestock pricepig priceProvince of Manitobaagriculturehog priceOpen Data original metadata (

Prix historiques du porc de marché au Manitoba et des secteurs du sevrage ISO et du porc d’engraissement aux États-Unis (É.-U.) présentés dans des tableaux interactifs.

These interactive charts illustrate prices paid for market hogs in Manitoba and iso-wean and feeder pigs in the United States (U.S.) for the last ten years. The prices can be displayed by week or by month for one or more years. For hog price report definitions and calculations, click here.  Manitoba market hog prices are collected from major processors in Manitoba, compiled and released weekly by Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development (ARD). Manitoba market hog prices are weighted by the volume of hogs processed, and averaged monthly. United States (U.S.) iso-wean and feeder pig prices are sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and presented in Canadian dollars (C$) using the Bank of Canada exchange rate. Monthly U.S. iso-wean and feeder pig prices are a simple average of the weekly U.S. total composite weighted average prices.

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