Course Enrolment in Grade 9 Math by Course Type

Course Enrolment in Grade 9 Math by Course Type Public and Catholic board-level course enrolment in Grade 9 Math by course type (academic, applied and locally developed) for each academic year. School boards report this data using the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS). Includes: * academic year * board number * board name * course grade * course type * number of students * percentage of students Data excludes private schools, school authorities, publicly funded hospital and provincial schools, Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) facilities, summer, night and adult continuing education day schools. Enrolment totals include withdrawn and dropped courses. Students enrolled in more than one course are counted for each course. Cells are suppressed in categories with less than 10 students. Enrolment totals are rounded to the nearest five. 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticscoursesenrolmentEducation and Training 2017-2018XLSX 2017-2018XLSX 2017-2018TXT 2017-2018TXT 2018-2019XLSX 2018-2019XLSX 2018-2019TXT 2018-2019TXT 2019-2020XLSX 2019-2020XLSX 2019-2020TXT 2019-2020TXT 2020-2021TXT 2020-2021TXT 2020-2021XLSX 2020-2021XLSX 2021-2022TXT 2021-2022TXT 2021-2022XLSX 2021-2022XLSX

Public and Catholic board-level course enrolment in Grade 9 Math by course type (academic, applied and locally developed) for each academic year. School boards report this data using the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS). Includes: * academic year * board number * board name * course grade * course type * number of students * percentage of students Data excludes private schools, school authorities, publicly funded hospital and provincial schools, Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) facilities, summer, night and adult continuing education day schools. Enrolment totals include withdrawn and dropped courses. Students enrolled in more than one course are counted for each course. Cells are suppressed in categories with less than 10 students. Enrolment totals are rounded to the nearest five.

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