Standardized Precipitation Index

Standardized Precipitation Index The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was generated for certain Environment Canada long-term climate stations in Ontario. The SPI quantifies the precipitation deficit and surplus for multiple time scales , including: * one month * three months * six months * nine months * 12 months * 24 months You can use the SPI to study the impact of dry and wet weather conditions to create comprehensive water management approaches. The SPI data package is distributed as a Microsoft Access Geodatabase. __This is a legacy dataset that we no longer maintain or support.__ The documents referenced in this record may contain URLs (links) that were valid when published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernment information Standardized Precipitation IndexHTML Indice normalisé des précipitationsHTMLé-des-précipitations Original metadata ( Original metadata ( User Guide (extracted from geohub)PDF Precipitation Index - User Guide.pdf (extracted from geohub)ZIP

The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was generated for certain Environment Canada long-term climate stations in Ontario. The SPI quantifies the precipitation deficit and surplus for multiple time scales , including: * one month * three months * six months * nine months * 12 months * 24 months You can use the SPI to study the impact of dry and wet weather conditions to create comprehensive water management approaches. The SPI data package is distributed as a Microsoft Access Geodatabase. This is a legacy dataset that we no longer maintain or support. The documents referenced in this record may contain URLs (links) that were valid when published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

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