Franco-Ontarian statistical profile

Franco-Ontarian statistical profile This dataset includes statistics by: * year * age * language * parental language * gender * geography * household type * family type All counts are rounded to a base of five. 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryHousing Communities and Social SupportHome and communityGovernment information Original metadata ( Original metadata ( Table 1A - general population by age groupsXLS Table 1B - median age of francophonesXLS Table 2 - representation of francophones by 1996 municipalitiesXLS Table 3 - private households and parents profilesXLS Table 4 - private households and parents profilesXLS Table 5 - mother tongue - single parent familiesXLS Table 6 - mother tongue child - couplesXLS Tableau 1A Population générale par groupe d'âgeXLS Tableau 1B Âge médian des francophonesXLS Tableau 2 Représentation des francophones selon les municipalités de 1996XLS Tableau 3 Situation des ménagesXLS Tableau 4 Profils des ménages privés et des parentsXLS Tableau 5 Langue maternelle - familles monoparentalesXLS Tableau 6 Langue maternelle Enfants – CouplesXLS

This dataset includes statistics by: * year * age * language * parental language * gender * geography * household type * family type All counts are rounded to a base of five.

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