Open Database of Healthcare Facilities

Open Database of Healthcare Facilities The Open Database of Healthcare Facilities (ODHF) is a listing of health facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified into one of three types: ambulatory health care services, hospitals, and nursing and residential care facilities. The listing contains the names, addresses, and geo coordinates of facilities, as well as the facility type as assigned in the data source. The ODHF is based on data from authoritative sources that include among them all levels of government and public health and professional healthcare bodies. The ODHF is released as open data under the Open Government License - Canada and provided as a zipped comma-separated values (.csv) file. 2020-04-23 Statistics Canada Health and SafetyExtended careExtended care hospitalsHealth care institutionsHospitalsPublic healthcovidCOVID Open Database of Healthcare FacilitiesZIP Open Database of Healthcare FacilitiesZIP

The Open Database of Healthcare Facilities (ODHF) is a listing of health facilities across Canada. Facilities are classified into one of three types: ambulatory health care services, hospitals, and nursing and residential care facilities. The listing contains the names, addresses, and geo coordinates of facilities, as well as the facility type as assigned in the data source. The ODHF is based on data from authoritative sources that include among them all levels of government and public health and professional healthcare bodies. The ODHF is released as open data under the Open Government License - Canada and provided as a zipped comma-separated values (.csv) file.

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