OD0147 PEI Precipitation Monitoring

OD0147 PEI Precipitation Monitoring Data from the province’s Precipitation Monitoring Program. Note on “flag” row label: some sample results from the lab were provided as a less than value (e.g. <0.03). The “<” sign was removed from these result values and placed in a separate data column to allow for data manipulation. 2024-07-24 Government of Prince Edward Island opendata@gov.pe.ca Nature and Environmentphprecipitation monitoringacid rainair/water monitoringEnvironment and Food Prince Edward Island original metadata (https://data.princeedwardisland.ca)HTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/4414f9e626554a0db2aa802701a564b5/about ArcGIS Hub DatasetHTML https://data.princeedwardisland.ca/datasets/4414f9e626554a0db2aa802701a564b5/explore

Data from the province’s Precipitation Monitoring Program. Note on “flag” row label: some sample results from the lab were provided as a less than value (e.g. <0.03). The “<” sign was removed from these result values and placed in a separate data column to allow for data manipulation.

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Electronic Mail Address: opendata@gov.pe.ca

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