Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study Data Visualization

Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study Data Visualization The Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study (PCWIS), completed in 2016, assessed the operational and economic implications of integrating large amounts of wind energy into the Canadian electricity system. The PCWIS study generated a significant amount of high-resolution modelled wind data at many locations across Canada. This dataset contains over 54,000 “cells”, with each cell representing one node on a 2×2 km grid. Each cell has an associated time history of three years of modelled wind data, from 2008 to 2010, at 10-minute intervals. The interactive map allows a user to readily visualize the geographic distribution of Canada’s wind resources, as well as to quickly estimate the strength of the wind resource at a particular location. 2019-10-21 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyWind energy Pan-Canadian Wind Integration StudyCSV

The Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study (PCWIS), completed in 2016, assessed the operational and economic implications of integrating large amounts of wind energy into the Canadian electricity system.

The PCWIS study generated a significant amount of high-resolution modelled wind data at many locations across Canada. This dataset contains over 54,000 “cells”, with each cell representing one node on a 2×2 km grid. Each cell has an associated time history of three years of modelled wind data, from 2008 to 2010, at 10-minute intervals.

The interactive map allows a user to readily visualize the geographic distribution of Canada’s wind resources, as well as to quickly estimate the strength of the wind resource at a particular location.

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