Geological map of the southern Campbell Range (NTS 105H/3 SW), southeastern Yukon

Geological map of the southern Campbell Range (NTS 105H/3 SW), southeastern Yukon Schematic fold style, interpreted from fold geometry in outcrop and in thin section, rather than mapped structures. Jules Creek fault - possibly an Early Permian strikeslip fault (Murphy, 2004) reactivated with eastdirected thrust motion in the Jurassic (Inconnuage). King Arctic Upper Quarry. Metasomatic replacement of chert granule to pebble conglomerate by tremolite is visible in outcrop over an interval of 5 metres. The lithologies across the contact from bottom to top are: serpentinite, nephrite, semi-nephrite, partly replaced conglomerate, and nonmetasomatized metaconglomerate. Nephrite formation resulted from metasomatic replacement of metasedimentary rocks (King Arctic formation green chert pebble conglomerate and lithic arenite and White Lake group Whitefish limestone) and/or serpentinite by serpentinite-derived fluids along D3 thrust faults interpreted to have Early Jurassic motion. 2024-07-30 Government of Yukon Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data MapHTML Original metadata (

Schematic fold style, interpreted from fold geometry in outcrop and in thin section, rather than mapped structures. Jules Creek fault - possibly an Early Permian strikeslip fault (Murphy, 2004) reactivated with eastdirected thrust motion in the Jurassic (Inconnuage). King Arctic Upper Quarry. Metasomatic replacement of chert granule to pebble conglomerate by tremolite is visible in outcrop over an interval of 5 metres. The lithologies across the contact from bottom to top are: serpentinite, nephrite, semi-nephrite, partly replaced conglomerate, and nonmetasomatized metaconglomerate. Nephrite formation resulted from metasomatic replacement of metasedimentary rocks (King Arctic formation green chert pebble conglomerate and lithic arenite and White Lake group Whitefish limestone) and/or serpentinite by serpentinite-derived fluids along D3 thrust faults interpreted to have Early Jurassic motion.

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