Multicultural Community Capacity grant recipients

Multicultural Community Capacity grant recipients The Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program promotes diversity and inclusion and supports civic and community engagement among newcomer and ethno-cultural communities by providing funding to projects run by community groups. Data includes: * applicant stream * organization and representative names * location (city or town) * project priorities The grants are awarded to projects that focus on one or more of the following priorities: 1. civic engagement 2. social connections 3. education and empowerment 4. women's empowerment 5. capacity building and partnerships Applications for grants were separated into two streams: 1. unincorporated organizations represented by a person 2. incorporated organizations [Learn more about the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program](/page /multicultural-community-capacity-grant-program) 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsHousing Communities and Social SupportGovernment Multicultural Community Capacity grant recipientsXLSX Multicultural Community Capacity grant recipientsXLSX Original metadata ( Original metadata (

The Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program promotes diversity and inclusion and supports civic and community engagement among newcomer and ethno-cultural communities by providing funding to projects run by community groups. Data includes: * applicant stream * organization and representative names * location (city or town) * project priorities The grants are awarded to projects that focus on one or more of the following priorities: 1. civic engagement 2. social connections 3. education and empowerment 4. women's empowerment 5. capacity building and partnerships Applications for grants were separated into two streams: 1. unincorporated organizations represented by a person 2. incorporated organizations Learn more about the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program

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