Watershed Subdistricts

Watershed Subdistricts The purpose of this dataset is to provide the public with the areal extents of the subdistricts within each of the 14 watershed districts in Manitoba. The Watershed Districts Act, proclaimed on January 1, 2020, transitioned 18 conservation districts to 14 watershed districts, with boundaries based on watersheds. Along with this change, the Manitoba Conservation Districts Program was renamed the Manitoba Watershed Districts Program, and the program was modernized to enhance watershed-based water management in Manitoba. The goal of the program is to create healthy and sustainable watersheds through land and water stewardship programs and partnerships. With funding from the Manitoba government and municipal partners, locally-appointed watershed district boards make planning and management decisions to improve watershed health across most of rural Manitoba.Fields included ( Alias (Field Name): Field description.) FID (FID): Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generatedWSD_Name (WSD_Name): Name of the Watershed DistrictSubDist (SubDist): Name of the Watershed SubdistrictArea_SqKm (Area_SqKm): Area in square kilometres of the watershed district 2024-06-17 Government of Manitoba manitobamaps@gov.mb.ca Nature and EnvironmentWatershed DistrictsubdistrictwatershedconservationWatershed Districts ActAssiniboine WestCentral AssiniboineEast InterlakeInter-MountainKelseyNortheast RedPembina ValleyRedboineSeine Rat RoseauSouris RiverSwan LakeWest InterlakeWestlakeWhitemudManitobaManitoba GovernmentProvince of ManitobaEnvironmentOpen DataGovernment information CSVCSV https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/api/download/v1/items/8f7fd0e088ba42d7a8a25d29e041737b/csv?layers=0 ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST https://services.arcgis.com/mMUesHYPkXjaFGfS/arcgis/rest/services/Watershed_Subdistricts/FeatureServer/0 ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST https://services.arcgis.com/mMUesHYPkXjaFGfS/arcgis/rest/services/Watershed_Subdistricts/FeatureServer/0 GeoJSONGEOJSON https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/api/download/v1/items/8f7fd0e088ba42d7a8a25d29e041737b/geojson?layers=0 original metadata (https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca)HTML https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/maps/manitoba::watershed-subdistricts KMLKML https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/api/download/v1/items/8f7fd0e088ba42d7a8a25d29e041737b/kml?layers=0 ShapefileSHP https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/api/download/v1/items/8f7fd0e088ba42d7a8a25d29e041737b/shapefile?layers=0

The purpose of this dataset is to provide the public with the areal extents of the subdistricts within each of the 14 watershed districts in Manitoba.

The Watershed Districts Act, proclaimed on January 1, 2020, transitioned 18 conservation districts to 14 watershed districts, with boundaries based on watersheds. Along with this change, the Manitoba Conservation Districts Program was renamed the Manitoba Watershed Districts Program, and the program was modernized to enhance watershed-based water management in Manitoba. The goal of the program is to create healthy and sustainable watersheds through land and water stewardship programs and partnerships. With funding from the Manitoba government and municipal partners, locally-appointed watershed district boards make planning and management decisions to improve watershed health across most of rural Manitoba.Fields included ( Alias (Field Name): Field description.) FID (FID): Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generatedWSD_Name (WSD_Name): Name of the Watershed DistrictSubDist (SubDist): Name of the Watershed SubdistrictArea_SqKm (Area_SqKm): Area in square kilometres of the watershed district

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: manitobamaps@gov.mb.ca

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