Driver population statistics

Driver population statistics The driver population statistics consists of 3 sets of data files. ## **1\. Active driver count** This data includes: * license class including composite class and airbrake endorsement (Z) * gender (as of report date) * individual age (as of report date) ## **2\. Driver Suspension count** This data includes: * active suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada * active suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada * issued suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada * issued suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada Suspensions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the: 1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations 2. Criminal Code of Canada ## **3\. Driver conviction count by conviction type** This data includes: * convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada * convictions not under the Criminal Code of Canada Convictions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the: 1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations 2. Motor Vehicle Accident Convictions/Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act and its regulations 3. Criminal Code of Canada 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsInfrastructure and TransportationDriving and roads Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2022PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2021PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2020PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2019PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2018PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2017PDF Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2016ZIP Original metadata ( Original metadata (

The driver population statistics consists of 3 sets of data files. ## 1. Active driver count This data includes: * license class including composite class and airbrake endorsement (Z) * gender (as of report date) * individual age (as of report date) ## 2. Driver Suspension count This data includes: * active suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada * active suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada * issued suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada * issued suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada Suspensions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the: 1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations 2. Criminal Code of Canada ## 3. Driver conviction count by conviction type This data includes: * convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada * convictions not under the Criminal Code of Canada Convictions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the: 1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations 2. Motor Vehicle Accident Convictions/Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act and its regulations 3. Criminal Code of Canada

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