Kokanee Shore Spawner Data - Okanagan Region

Kokanee Shore Spawner Data - Okanagan Region The Okanagan Lake kokanee shore spawner data set is comprised of multiple combined data sets. The historical data sets for the years 1974, 77, 78, 79 and 80 and more recent data sets collected from 2001 to 2016, and 2018. The historical data was derived from information collected in the field and hand drawn onto air photographs. Ministry staff circled Okanagan Lake in a boat one time each year and recorded fish numbers and spawner locations onto air photographs that were digitized in 2006 to make up the historical data set. This data set may not capture the peak reach count for these years. The data collected from 2001 to 2018 was derived from boat counts undertaken along the shoreline of Okanagan, Wood and Kalamalka Lakes. A GPS was used to record shore spawner locations and numbers. Multiple counts were undertaken over the entire spawning cycle and covered the peak spawning period for each year of data provided. The data collected for Christina Lake began in 2003 and ended in 2006. Christina Lake kokanee spawn at night in late December and early January. Kokanee spawning redd locations are available for the 2003/2004 count. Kokanee enumerations were undertaken at night for the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons and spawning redds were counted at the end of spawning cycle. For these two years there is both spawning and redd count data available. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Albert.Chirico@gov.bc.ca Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyKokaneefish countshore spawningGovernment information BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/kokanee-shore-spawner-data-okanagan-region/resource/ae04bbb5-62bf-4533-a0c6-4efe23d9323c Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/kokanee-shore-spawner-data-okanagan-region FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SPKML https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/kml/geo/layers/REG_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SP_loader.kml FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/REG_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:REG_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/REG_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:REG_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.FISH_KOKANEE_SPAWN_OK_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain

The Okanagan Lake kokanee shore spawner data set is comprised of multiple combined data sets. The historical data sets for the years 1974, 77, 78, 79 and 80 and more recent data sets collected from 2001 to 2016, and 2018. The historical data was derived from information collected in the field and hand drawn onto air photographs. Ministry staff circled Okanagan Lake in a boat one time each year and recorded fish numbers and spawner locations onto air photographs that were digitized in 2006 to make up the historical data set. This data set may not capture the peak reach count for these years. The data collected from 2001 to 2018 was derived from boat counts undertaken along the shoreline of Okanagan, Wood and Kalamalka Lakes. A GPS was used to record shore spawner locations and numbers. Multiple counts were undertaken over the entire spawning cycle and covered the peak spawning period for each year of data provided. The data collected for Christina Lake began in 2003 and ended in 2006. Christina Lake kokanee spawn at night in late December and early January. Kokanee spawning redd locations are available for the 2003/2004 count. Kokanee enumerations were undertaken at night for the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons and spawning redds were counted at the end of spawning cycle. For these two years there is both spawning and redd count data available.

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Electronic Mail Address: Chris.ens@gov.bc.ca

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