Climate data – High Resolution Projections

Climate data – High Resolution Projections Ontario-focused high resolution climate information and its application. The data contains the 50th percentile high resolution probabilistic projections of annual averaged temperature and precipitation over the province. It covers the: * 1970s * 2030s * 2050s * 2080s    This data is provided in partnership with the University of Regina. More user-friendly visualizations and downloads of this data are also available at: * The [Ontario Climate Change Data Portal (OCCDP) by the University of Regina]( * The [Ontario Climate Change Projections (OCCP) page by York University]( This dataset's technical documentation contains a metadata record of projects funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks alongside final reports and associated data. 2024-06-05 Government of Ontario Nature and Environmentclimate changeclimate datahigh resolution dataprojectionstemperatureprecipitationontario climateclimate modellingregional climate scienceenvironment and natural resources Access to Climate data – High resolution projectionsZIP MetadataPDF MetadataPDF Original metadata ( Original metadata (

Ontario-focused high resolution climate information and its application. The data contains the 50th percentile high resolution probabilistic projections of annual averaged temperature and precipitation over the province. It covers the: * 1970s * 2030s * 2050s * 2080s    This data is provided in partnership with the University of Regina. More user-friendly visualizations and downloads of this data are also available at: * The Ontario Climate Change Data Portal (OCCDP) by the University of Regina * The Ontario Climate Change Projections (OCCP) page by York University This dataset's technical documentation contains a metadata record of projects funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks alongside final reports and associated data.

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