Stream Benthic Invertebrates Richness - Thousand Islands

Stream Benthic Invertebrates Richness - Thousand Islands Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in July, and follows the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network protocol. Field procedures involve a kick and sweep method at two riffles and one pool location. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentBenthic InvertebratesStreamsFreshwaterOBBNThousand IslandsOntario Stream Benthic Invertebrates - Thousand Islands - DataCSV Stream Benthic Invertebrates Richness - Thousand Islands - Data DictionaryCSV

Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in July, and follows the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network protocol. Field procedures involve a kick and sweep method at two riffles and one pool location.

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