Aerial Survey Results

Aerial Survey Results Lines indicate the approximate flight path flown during aerial survey of NB forests for pests, diseases, and abiotic disturbances. Flights are conducted during clear visibility conditions, typically towards the end of June or early July. Observations are timed to optimize visibility of spruce budworm feeding characterized by reddening of current year needles on spruce and fir as they dry out. Although budworm feeding is often the focus, all types of disturbance are recorded. Polygons indicate the disturbances observed during the aerial survey. Wherever possible, the cause of the damage is reported from the air and ground surveys are used to confirmed agent if the stand is accessible. 2024-04-17 Government of New Brunswick Nature and EnvironmentaerialsurveyresultsAerialsElevatedGovernment information New Brunswick original metadata ( Aerial Survey ResultsKML Aerial Survey ResultsZIP

Lines indicate the approximate flight path flown during aerial survey of NB forests for pests, diseases, and abiotic disturbances. Flights are conducted during clear visibility conditions, typically towards the end of June or early July. Observations are timed to optimize visibility of spruce budworm feeding characterized by reddening of current year needles on spruce and fir as they dry out. Although budworm feeding is often the focus, all types of disturbance are recorded.

Polygons indicate the disturbances observed during the aerial survey. Wherever possible, the cause of the damage is reported from the air and ground surveys are used to confirmed agent if the stand is accessible.

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