North Circumpolar Region (2008)

North Circumpolar Region (2008) Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a map which has a detailed coverage of all parts of the world north of approximately 50 degrees latitude except for the Russian Federation side of the map which shows areas north of 60 degrees latitude. The map uses the Azimuthal Equidistant projection. All national boundaries are shown along with Canadian provincial and territorial boundaries and Canada's 200 nautical mile offshore Exclusive Economic Zone. National capital cities are displayed along with other cities, towns, villages and hamlets; all have been updated to 2008. Some seasonally populated places are also shown. A number of significant northern features can be found such as the minimum permanent polar sea ice extent for 1972 to 2007, tree line, undersea relief and undersea feature names, land relief, historical surveyed locations of the Magnetic North Pole from 1831 to 2007 and updated glaciers, ice fields and coastal ice shelves. The undersea relief is the most up-to-date from the 2008 International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean on top of which bathymetric tints are shown. A related product is the round Circumpolar International Polar Year (2008) map. It is identical to this map except that it only shows map detail north of 55 degrees latitude. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Government and PoliticsNature and EnvironmentSociety and Cultureboundarieslakesoceansriversroad networksurban communities Download Bilingual JPG through HTTPJPG Download Bilingual PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a map which has a detailed coverage of all parts of the world north of approximately 50 degrees latitude except for the Russian Federation side of the map which shows areas north of 60 degrees latitude. The map uses the Azimuthal Equidistant projection. All national boundaries are shown along with Canadian provincial and territorial boundaries and Canada's 200 nautical mile offshore Exclusive Economic Zone. National capital cities are displayed along with other cities, towns, villages and hamlets; all have been updated to 2008. Some seasonally populated places are also shown. A number of significant northern features can be found such as the minimum permanent polar sea ice extent for 1972 to 2007, tree line, undersea relief and undersea feature names, land relief, historical surveyed locations of the Magnetic North Pole from 1831 to 2007 and updated glaciers, ice fields and coastal ice shelves. The undersea relief is the most up-to-date from the 2008 International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean on top of which bathymetric tints are shown. A related product is the round Circumpolar International Polar Year (2008) map. It is identical to this map except that it only shows map detail north of 55 degrees latitude.

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