Granular Aggregate

Granular Aggregate This layer contains polygon features that represent granular aggregate deposits in New Brunswick. ‘Granular Aggregate’ is the term used to describe naturally occurring deposits of sand and gravel formed during the last ice-age when glaciers were melting and receding. These important resources, which are used for infrastructure construction and maintenance. 2024-04-17 Government of New Brunswick Nature and EnvironmentgranularaggregateaggregatesGovernment information New Brunswick original metadata ( Granular AggregateKML Granular AggregateZIP

This layer contains polygon features that represent granular aggregate deposits in New Brunswick. ‘Granular Aggregate’ is the term used to describe naturally occurring deposits of sand and gravel formed during the last ice-age when glaciers were melting and receding. These important resources, which are used for infrastructure construction and maintenance.

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