Report on forest management: annual summary of Ontario’s forest management activities

Report on forest management: annual summary of Ontario’s forest management activities This data summarizes forest management activities that occur in Ontario’s Crown forests each year. Forest management activities in each management unit are planned and approved through forest management plans. Each year, forest managers report on the activities conducted in a management unit. The data from management unit annual reports is consolidated into provincewide data and statistics. It does not include private land or provincial parks. [View the individual forest management unit annual reports.]( 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and Politicsforest managementforestryharvestrenewaldisturbancevolumetimberauditscomplianceEnvironment and Natural Resources Management Unit Names | Noms d’unités de gestionCSV Planning Composite (FRI) Summary | Résumé de l’inventaire forestier (IRF)CSV Harvest Area | Superficie de récolteCSV Harvest Volume | Volume de récolteCSV Harvest Volume – Undersized | Volume de récolte – Sous-dimensionnéCSV Harvest Values | Valeurs des récoltesCSV Allowable Area and Volume | Superficie et volume autorisésCSV Natural Disturbance Area Provincial | Zones de perturbations naturelles à l’échelle provincialeCSV Natural Disturbance Area Management Unit | Unité de gestion des zones de perturbations naturellesCSV Natural Disturbance Volume | Volume lié aux perturbations naturellesCSV Renewal Area | Superficie de reboisementCSV Trees Planted | Arbres plantésCSV Trees Seeded | Arbres semésCSV FTG-Establishment Area | Superficie d’établissement et de peuplement établiCSV Renewal Trust | Fonds de reboisementCSV Roads | CheminsCSV Compliance | ConformitéCSV VisualizationHTML!/vizhome/OntariosForestFacts/AtaGlance Original metadata ( Original metadata (

This data summarizes forest management activities that occur in Ontario’s Crown forests each year. Forest management activities in each management unit are planned and approved through forest management plans. Each year, forest managers report on the activities conducted in a management unit. The data from management unit annual reports is consolidated into provincewide data and statistics. It does not include private land or provincial parks. View the individual forest management unit annual reports.

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