Mackenzie Dyke

Mackenzie Dyke This dataset shows the location of Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan. This dataset shows the Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan. Mapping in support of the dataset includes years of field observations which were then compiled and integrated into this dataset. The data was created as a file geodatabase feature class and output for public distribution.  **Please Note – All published Saskatchewan Geological Survey datasets, including those available through the Saskatchewan Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas, are sourced from the Enterprise GIS Data Warehouse. They are therefore identical and share the same refresh schedule. 2024-06-17 Government of Saskatchewan Economics and IndustryForm DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyEconomySGSSaskatchewan Geological SurveySaskatchewangeoscienceGeologyBedrockdiabase dykeMackenziegeosciencesGovernment information CSVCSV ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST GeoJSONGEOJSON original metadata ( KMLKML ShapefileSHP

This dataset shows the location of Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan.

This dataset shows the Mackenzie diabase dykes for the Province of Saskatchewan. Mapping in support of the dataset includes years of field observations which were then compiled and integrated into this dataset. The data was created as a file geodatabase feature class and output for public distribution.  **Please Note – All published Saskatchewan Geological Survey datasets, including those available through the Saskatchewan Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas, are sourced from the Enterprise GIS Data Warehouse. They are therefore identical and share the same refresh schedule.

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