Protected Habitat Indicators - Protected area by IUCN category, Canada, 2013

Protected Habitat Indicators - Protected area by IUCN category, Canada, 2013 The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Protected Areas indicators report the amount and proportion of Canada's land and freshwater and marine area that is recognized as protected under the international definition of a protected area as "a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values". Land and/or water access, use and activities are restricted, permanently or temporarily, primarily for the purpose of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem function, regardless of proprietary designation e.g., park, conservation area, wildlife reserve . Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See supplementary documentation for data sources and details on how those data were collected and how the indicator was calculated. 2022-02-21 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentSociety and Cultureenvironmental indicatorsnatureprotected habitatsprotected areaslandfreshwatermarineterrestrialfederal jurisdictionsnature conservationparkswildlife areasmigratory bird sanctuarieswildlife reservesecological reservesstrictly protectedConvention on Biological DiversityInternational Union for the Conservation of Nature Data table (CSV - 1.16 KB)CSV Tableau de données (CSV - 1,34 Ko)CSV View the HTML data table and downloadHTML Voir le tableau de données HTML et téléchargerHTML Data Sources and Methodsother Sources des données et méthodesother

The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Protected Areas indicators report the amount and proportion of Canada's land and freshwater and marine area that is recognized as protected under the international definition of a protected area as "a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values". Land and/or water access, use and activities are restricted, permanently or temporarily, primarily for the purpose of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem function, regardless of proprietary designation e.g., park, conservation area, wildlife reserve . Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See supplementary documentation for data sources and details on how those data were collected and how the indicator was calculated.

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