Hectares Burned from Wildfire during Fire Season, Alberta

Hectares Burned from Wildfire during Fire Season, Alberta This Alberta Official Statistic describes the number of hectares of land burned from wildfire in Alberta during the fire season which runs from April 1 to October 31 of each year. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is mandated to control and contain wildfires within the Forest Protection Area of the province. The number of wildfires and the amount of hectares burned vary greatly due to factors such as environmental conditions, response times, resources available for containing fires, and swiftness of detection and containment. Wildfire management practices are important because they protect our forest resources and the communities which depend on them. 2024-03-13 Government of Alberta osi.support@gov.ab.ca Nature and EnvironmentAOSAlberta Official StatisticsHectares BurnedWildfireWildfiresWildlife Alberta Official Statistic VisualizationPDF https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/6ad8e956-e6f7-410c-9403-27bd6fcb7ead/resource/52fab47f-c9d6-47ca-9691-665c8f6c904d/download/0730201561hectaresburnedfromwildfireduringfireseasononepage.pdf CSVCSV https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/6ad8e956-e6f7-410c-9403-27bd6fcb7ead/resource/649e960f-231d-485e-967a-daa45aedde0b/download/goahectaresburnedfromwildfirecsvv2.02015-07-30.csv Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/6ad8e956-e6f7-410c-9403-27bd6fcb7ead

This Alberta Official Statistic describes the number of hectares of land burned from wildfire in Alberta during the fire season which runs from April 1 to October 31 of each year. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is mandated to control and contain wildfires within the Forest Protection Area of the province. The number of wildfires and the amount of hectares burned vary greatly due to factors such as environmental conditions, response times, resources available for containing fires, and swiftness of detection and containment. Wildfire management practices are important because they protect our forest resources and the communities which depend on them.

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