Tree Health - Thousand Islands

Tree Health - Thousand Islands Park staff visually evaluate tree health within 20m x 20m forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards. Crown condition, diameter at breast height, and stem defects are used as indicators of tree health to help identify the symptoms of tree and forest decline. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentTree HealthEMANForestsCrown HealthStem DefectsThousand IslandsOntario Tree Health - Thousand Islands - DataCSV Tree Health - Thousand Islands - Data DictionaryCSV

Park staff visually evaluate tree health within 20m x 20m forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards. Crown condition, diameter at breast height, and stem defects are used as indicators of tree health to help identify the symptoms of tree and forest decline.

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