Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access

Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access The Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB) is responsible for coordinating and managing data collection and analyses from a range of different ground sampling programs that collect data on ground plots. This layer shows ground plots from the PSP and VRI programs. **Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI):** ground samples primarily used to audit and verify key inventory attributes estimated during photo interpretation. These samples are not protected because they will not be revisited. **Permanent Sample Plots (PSP):** subjectively located fixed-area permanent plots, valued for their long-term re-measurement data to support development of growth-and-yield models in unmanaged stands across a range of stand and ecosystem types. Actual GPS coordinates are provided as protection is necessary. - Active PSPs = plot and buffer are protected from harvesting - Inactive PSPs = not protected from harvesting 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyForest inventoryGround PlotsISMCInventory Sample ManagementPSPVRIgrowth and yield sampleGovernment information Original metadata ( ISMC_FOREST_INVENTORY_SITES_SVKML ISMC_FOREST_INVENTORY_SITES_SVWMS ISMC_FOREST_INVENTORY_SITES_SVWMS

The Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB) is responsible for coordinating and managing data collection and analyses from a range of different ground sampling programs that collect data on ground plots. This layer shows ground plots from the PSP and VRI programs. Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI): ground samples primarily used to audit and verify key inventory attributes estimated during photo interpretation. These samples are not protected because they will not be revisited. Permanent Sample Plots (PSP): subjectively located fixed-area permanent plots, valued for their long-term re-measurement data to support development of growth-and-yield models in unmanaged stands across a range of stand and ecosystem types. Actual GPS coordinates are provided as protection is necessary. - Active PSPs = plot and buffer are protected from harvesting - Inactive PSPs = not protected from harvesting

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