Cadastral Location

Cadastral Location Often these parcels were surveyed before township surveys in their area. They may also be supplemental to them (as is the case with some Cadastral Islands). Sometimes these were laid out after a township survey was done, so some may be part of a geographic township. Cadastral Location includes the following: GTP Block - Timber block used by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for feeding steam engines, building bridges, and for supplying railway ties. Mining Location - A parcel of land whose surveyed boundaries were laid out during the late nineteenth century for the Crown sale of land for mining purposes to groups or individuals. Cadastral Island - Island delineated on survey plans. It may or may not be part of a geographic township. Other Location - A parcel of land whose surveyed boundaries were laid out during the late nineteenth century for the Crown sale of land for various agricultural or farming purposes to groups or individuals. These locations are mainly found in Northern Ontario and also exist in the un-surveyed territories. 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernmentGovernment information Cadastral Location (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST Cadastral Location (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST Access to Cadastral LocationHTML Original metadata ( Original metadata ( Complete File Geodatabase (extracted from geohub)ZIP Complete Shapefile (extracted from geohub)ZIP QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)other

Often these parcels were surveyed before township surveys in their area. They may also be supplemental to them (as is the case with some Cadastral Islands). Sometimes these were laid out after a township survey was done, so some may be part of a geographic township. Cadastral Location includes the following: GTP Block - Timber block used by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for feeding steam engines, building bridges, and for supplying railway ties. Mining Location - A parcel of land whose surveyed boundaries were laid out during the late nineteenth century for the Crown sale of land for mining purposes to groups or individuals. Cadastral Island - Island delineated on survey plans. It may or may not be part of a geographic township. Other Location - A parcel of land whose surveyed boundaries were laid out during the late nineteenth century for the Crown sale of land for various agricultural or farming purposes to groups or individuals. These locations are mainly found in Northern Ontario and also exist in the un-surveyed territories.

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