Wolf Abundance - Riding Mountain

Wolf Abundance - Riding Mountain The wolf population in Riding Mountain National Park is monitored through track counts that are conducted each winter according to methods established by Canadian Wildlife Service in the 1970’s. Wolves are the top predator in Riding Mountain National Park and monitoring their numbers assists in determining their long-term sustainability in the park. 2024-04-18 Parks Canada Doug.Bergeson@pc.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentTimber WolfCanis lupustrack countsmortalityCanadian Wildlife ServiceManitoba Wolf Abundance - Riding MountainCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/71a0e894-178f-45df-978b-ae6b6ed1eabd/resource/19956058-a078-4de5-85d7-70c7ccb69772/download/ridingmountain_np_forest_wolfabundance_1983-2019_data.csv

The wolf population in Riding Mountain National Park is monitored through track counts that are conducted each winter according to methods established by Canadian Wildlife Service in the 1970’s. Wolves are the top predator in Riding Mountain National Park and monitoring their numbers assists in determining their long-term sustainability in the park.

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