Recreational fishing regulations data

Recreational fishing regulations data This spatial dataset contains a summary of fishing regulations and fish sanctuary descriptions. The data includes information on: * species catch and possession limits * size limits * seasons and close times * fish sanctuaries * bait and gear restrictions * regulations for specific fisheries management zones and waterbodies This dataset is not intended for legal purposes nor is it a complete representation of current regulations. For details on the current regulations, visit: * the [Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act](, S.O. 1997 * the [Fisheries Act](, R.S.C., 1985 * the [Ontario Fishery Regulations]( Close times, fishing quotas and size limits established in the Ontario Fishery Regulations may be changed through variation orders. Learn more at []( Related datasets: * [Ontario waterbody location identifer]( 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessCulture and RecreationEnvironment and Natural ResourcesGovernmentfishingregulationsfisheriesrulesGovernment information Data DictionaryDOCX Dictionnaire de donnéesDOCX Original metadata ( Original metadata ( Recreational fishing regulations dataXLS

This spatial dataset contains a summary of fishing regulations and fish sanctuary descriptions. The data includes information on: * species catch and possession limits * size limits * seasons and close times * fish sanctuaries * bait and gear restrictions * regulations for specific fisheries management zones and waterbodies This dataset is not intended for legal purposes nor is it a complete representation of current regulations. For details on the current regulations, visit: * the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, S.O. 1997 * the Fisheries Act, R.S.C., 1985 * the Ontario Fishery Regulations Close times, fishing quotas and size limits established in the Ontario Fishery Regulations may be changed through variation orders. Learn more at Related datasets: * Ontario waterbody location identifer

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