Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities

Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities indicator reports total greenhouse gas emissions from the largest greenhouse gas emitters in Canada for the 2022 reporting year. The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program ensures that the greenhouse gas emissions from Canada's largest emitters are tracked and reported. This mandatory reporting contributes to the development, implementation and evaluation of climate change and energy policies and strategies in Canada. Greenhouse gas emissions data reported through the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program are used to inform the development of estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada in the National Inventory Report, and to support regulatory initiatives. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated. Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: 2024-09-04 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentSociety and CultureScience and TechnologyEnvironmentSustainable developmentEnvironmental indicatorsClimateClimate changeGreenhouse gases Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – EnglishHTML Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – FrenchHTML Data sources and methods – EnglishHTML Data sources and methods – FrenchHTML Interactive indicator map – EnglishHTML Interactive indicator map – FrenchHTML Data table – English (CSV; 1 255 kB)CSV Data table – French (CSV; 1 346 kB)CSV Google Earth – English (KMZ; 148 kB)KMZ Google Earth – French (KMZ; 221 kB)KMZ Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – EnglishWMS Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – FrenchWMS Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – RESTESRI REST Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities – RESTESRI REST

The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities indicator reports total greenhouse gas emissions from the largest greenhouse gas emitters in Canada for the 2022 reporting year. The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program ensures that the greenhouse gas emissions from Canada's largest emitters are tracked and reported. This mandatory reporting contributes to the development, implementation and evaluation of climate change and energy policies and strategies in Canada. Greenhouse gas emissions data reported through the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program are used to inform the development of estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada in the National Inventory Report, and to support regulatory initiatives. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated.

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