Water systems that sought regulatory relief due to COVID-19 pandemic

Water systems that sought regulatory relief due to COVID-19 pandemic Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks allowed temporary system-specific regulatory relief to address challenges posed by the pandemic such as operational flexibility to accommodate social and physical distancing or adjust processes to help protect staff. Relief was only granted when requested and when ministry officials were satisfied that public health and the environment would continue to be protected. This temporary relief has been issued with an expiry date that may be extended during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsDonnées Ontario Relief provided by the ministryCSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/769e155c-4c2e-4acd-ac0c-e6e475d1fcfc/resource/5c70a894-a030-4a79-a3f0-94edabcfc0b4/download/mecp-cdwi-covidrelief-en-utf8-2020-12-18.csv Relief provided by the ministryCSV https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/769e155c-4c2e-4acd-ac0c-e6e475d1fcfc/resource/e96d7d20-491e-40ec-9f6c-cae1c9822f0b/download/mecp-cdwi-covidrelief-fr-utf8-2020-12-18.csv Metadata RecordPDF http://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/metadata/opendata/Drinking_Water_Systems_Covid_Relief_metadata_EN.pdf Metadata RecordPDF http://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/metadata/opendata/Drinking_Water_Systems_Covid_Relief_metadata_FR.pdf

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks allowed temporary system-specific regulatory relief to address challenges posed by the pandemic such as operational flexibility to accommodate social and physical distancing or adjust processes to help protect staff. Relief was only granted when requested and when ministry officials were satisfied that public health and the environment would continue to be protected. This temporary relief has been issued with an expiry date that may be extended during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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