Count of Forfeiture Cases Before the Courts

Count of Forfeiture Cases Before the Courts A count of civil forfeiture cases before the courts including the Primary Asset or asset type. Under the Civil Forfeiture Act, the director (Minister or delegate) may apply to the court for an order forfeiting to the government, (a) the whole of an interest in property that is proceeds of unlawful activity, or (b) the portion of an interest in property that is proceeds of unlawful activity. The director may also apply to the court for an order forfeiting to the government property that is an instrument of unlawful activity. Whether proceedings are initiated in court or administratively, they are not reliant on criminal charges or convictions arising from the alleged unlawful activity and apply only with respect to property or an interest in property located in British Columbia. Dataset Definitions: Petition; A method of initiating court proceedings primarily governed by Supreme Court Civil Rule 16.1 NOCC; A method of initiating court proceedings primarily governed by Supreme Court Civil Rule 3-1. Writ; The previous version of a NOCC. It was replaced by a NOCC with the introduction of the new rules in July 2011. PPT is Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, section 5(2) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. 2024-05-01 Government of British Columbia Lawadministrative forfeiturescivil courtcivil forfeiturecivil suitforfeiture of propertyjusticeproceeds of crimepublic safetyunlawful activities Count_of_Forfeiture_Cases_Before_the_Courts.csvCSV Count_of_Forfeiture_Cases_Before_the_Courts.xlsxXLSX Original metadata (

A count of civil forfeiture cases before the courts including the Primary Asset or asset type. Under the Civil Forfeiture Act, the director (Minister or delegate) may apply to the court for an order forfeiting to the government, (a) the whole of an interest in property that is proceeds of unlawful activity, or (b) the portion of an interest in property that is proceeds of unlawful activity. The director may also apply to the court for an order forfeiting to the government property that is an instrument of unlawful activity. Whether proceedings are initiated in court or administratively, they are not reliant on criminal charges or convictions arising from the alleged unlawful activity and apply only with respect to property or an interest in property located in British Columbia. Dataset Definitions: Petition; A method of initiating court proceedings primarily governed by Supreme Court Civil Rule 16.1 NOCC; A method of initiating court proceedings primarily governed by Supreme Court Civil Rule 3-1. Writ; The previous version of a NOCC. It was replaced by a NOCC with the introduction of the new rules in July 2011. PPT is Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, section 5(2) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

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