Facilities Components - Point

Facilities Components - Point This point-layer shows the locations of components that make up facilities (Facilities are stored in another layer). Examples of facility components are barbeques, picnic tables, benches, or kiosks. See the Comp domain for a complete list. NOTE: Although some of the items in the domain appear to be activities, they are actually physical entities that appear within a facility. A facility component point would be stored in this layer to show a more precise location of the kayak rental place of business. Data is not necessarily complete - updates will occur weekly. 2024-07-02 Parks Canada bcg-gco@pc.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentParks Facilities ComponentsJSON https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f59f7e2d7e89468ea53406cdef27b69f_0.geojson Facilities ComponentsSHP https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f59f7e2d7e89468ea53406cdef27b69f_0.zip Facilities ComponentsKML https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f59f7e2d7e89468ea53406cdef27b69f_0.kml Facilities ComponentsCSV https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/f59f7e2d7e89468ea53406cdef27b69f_0.csv Facilities_Components_Installations_Composantes_Point_FGPESRI REST https://services2.arcgis.com/wCOMu5IS7YdSyPNx/arcgis/rest/services/vw_Facilities_Components_Installations_Composantes_Point_V2_FGP/FeatureServer/0 Facilities_Components_Installations_Composantes_Point_FGPESRI REST https://services2.arcgis.com/wCOMu5IS7YdSyPNx/arcgis/rest/services/vw_Facilities_Components_Installations_Composantes_Point_V2_FGP/FeatureServer/0

This point-layer shows the locations of components that make up facilities (Facilities are stored in another layer). Examples of facility components are barbeques, picnic tables, benches, or kiosks. See the Comp domain for a complete list. NOTE: Although some of the items in the domain appear to be activities, they are actually physical entities that appear within a facility. A facility component point would be stored in this layer to show a more precise location of the kayak rental place of business.

Data is not necessarily complete - updates will occur weekly.

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: bcg-gco@pc.gc.ca

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