Certified examiners

Certified examiners This dataset contains the geographic location of Ontario’s certified examiners. They are trained and certified to provide non-emergency, on-farm slaughter services as determined by Ontario's Meat Regulation ([O. Reg. 31/05](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r05031) under the [Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01f20)). Additional information can be retrieved at: [New provisions for non-emergency slaughter of food animals on producer premises](http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/food/inspection/infosheet-producers.htm). The 2 datasets available below are zipped files containing: * .kmz files for use with Google Earth or similar Keyhole Markup Language (KML) compatible software * shapefiles for use with GIS software For instructions on how to use Google Earth, read the [Google Earth tutorial](https://www.google.com/earth/index.html). 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsAgriculture and FoodEconomy and BusinessRural and north KMZZIP http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/landuse/gis/kmz/certifiedexaminers.zip SHPZIP http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/landuse/gis/shp/certifiedexaminers.zip Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/7a41fdc5-2b81-4a12-8441-c726e633701a Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/7a41fdc5-2b81-4a12-8441-c726e633701a

This dataset contains the geographic location of Ontario’s certified examiners. They are trained and certified to provide non-emergency, on-farm slaughter services as determined by Ontario's Meat Regulation (O. Reg. 31/05 under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001). Additional information can be retrieved at: New provisions for non-emergency slaughter of food animals on producer premises. The 2 datasets available below are zipped files containing: * .kmz files for use with Google Earth or similar Keyhole Markup Language (KML) compatible software * shapefiles for use with GIS software For instructions on how to use Google Earth, read the Google Earth tutorial.

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