College enrolments - 1996 to 2011

College enrolments - 1996 to 2011 Data from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' College NoName Program Enrolment Reporting system. Provides aggregated key enrolment data for college students, like enrolment headcounts by program type, institution and campus. Historical data ranges from 1996 to 2011-12, and is based on fall enrolment counts. To protect privacy, numbers are suppressed in categories with less than 10 students. In 2012 a new data collection system was introduced, which collects data at the student level and includes many additional data elements which were not collected in the historical file (e.g., data was not collected on international students prior to 2013). For this reason it is not possible to report historical data in the same format as the 2012-13 and beyond data. ## Related * [College enrolment](/dataset/college-enrolment) * [University enrolment](/dataset/university-enrolment) * [Enrolment by grade in secondary schools](/dataset/enrolment-by-grade-in-secondary-schools) * [School enrolment by gender](/dataset/school-enrolment-by-gender) * [Second language course enrolment](/dataset/second-language-course-enrolment) * [Course enrolment in secondary schools ](/dataset/course-enrolment-in-secondary-schools) * [Enrolment by grade in elementary schools](/dataset/enrolment-by-grade-in-elementary-schools) 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEducation and Training Enrolment by CampusXLSX Enrolment by InstitutionXLSX Enrolment by Program TypeXLSX

Data from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' College NoName Program Enrolment Reporting system. Provides aggregated key enrolment data for college students, like enrolment headcounts by program type, institution and campus. Historical data ranges from 1996 to 2011-12, and is based on fall enrolment counts. To protect privacy, numbers are suppressed in categories with less than 10 students. In 2012 a new data collection system was introduced, which collects data at the student level and includes many additional data elements which were not collected in the historical file (e.g., data was not collected on international students prior to 2013). For this reason it is not possible to report historical data in the same format as the 2012-13 and beyond data. ## Related * College enrolment * University enrolment * Enrolment by grade in secondary schools * School enrolment by gender * Second language course enrolment * Course enrolment in secondary schools * Enrolment by grade in elementary schools

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