Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE)

Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE) The data tracks the number of children and youth in customary care and the care of Children's Aid Societies (CAS) who are eligible for the OCBE program. This includes the number of participants in the Savings Program and Activities Program. The Activities Program is further broken down by intended outcomes (i.e., Outcome A - Higher Educational Achievement; Outcome B - Higher Degree of Resilience; Outcome C - Smoother Transition to Adulthood). The data provides information on the number of children who participated in activities intended for Outcomes A, B and/or C.  The datasets are also broken down by: * Children's aid society (CAS) * Ministry fiscal year *[OCBE]: Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsHousing Communities and Social SupportGovernment Data dictionaryXLSX http://files.ontario.ca/ocbe_data_dictionary_bilingual.xlsx https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/1901 ocbe dataset.csvCSV https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/1901_ocbe_dataset.csv Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/7c2c4f85-7305-4bf9-8268-54626fe2cb2b Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/7c2c4f85-7305-4bf9-8268-54626fe2cb2b

The data tracks the number of children and youth in customary care and the care of Children's Aid Societies (CAS) who are eligible for the OCBE program. This includes the number of participants in the Savings Program and Activities Program. The Activities Program is further broken down by intended outcomes (i.e., Outcome A - Higher Educational Achievement; Outcome B - Higher Degree of Resilience; Outcome C - Smoother Transition to Adulthood). The data provides information on the number of children who participated in activities intended for Outcomes A, B and/or C.  The datasets are also broken down by: * Children's aid society (CAS) * Ministry fiscal year *[OCBE]: Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent

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